Holistic Life Coach



How we proceed in relationship with and relating to self and others defines many aspects of our inner and outer lives. Recognition, responsibility and understanding about how we are relating to ourselves and those we are most intimate with can be a hugely transformative and deepening process. Coaching to learn to work with creative energy within your body and to create space to further areas of communication, eros, sexuality.


All encompassing bespoke life coaching to support you in defining and living within your dream life. Charting a course to a brighter future with purpose, precision and clarity. This includes focus on optimal wellness refining your diet and perfecting your daily routine with exercise, self-care, meditation and yoga. Methods for accelerating performance and breaking through old patterns and persistent obstacles. Bringing love into the heart of who you are.


Coaching with focus on bringing natural balance to pregnancy and mothering through honoring YOUR truest nature as a mother. Aligning with and supporting what is most ideal and needed for you, your children and household by helping you lovingly define what you instinctually feel is best. Bringing into harmony the sometimes overwhelm of outside information and internal confusion to live more fluidly within the precious world of motherhood. Information on biologically normal, gentle and holistic pregnancy and parenting offered as appropriate and desired.


Elite matchmaking and coaching for those wanting to partner consciously. The bringing together of people desiring to know the sacred dance of union. Acknowledging the different aspects of personal growth and the evolution that happens within relationships. Offering structure to define what is most important to you in regard to serving the world, your relationship and the highest aspects of yourself and life.


Many of our memories and much of our knowing is stored within subconscious mind and our physical, cellular body. Psychosomatic work is done in person through different modalities such a massage, breath work, meditation, reiki and energy work. This type of work can act as an assist in processing and understanding different areas of life and self as well as helping to release what is no longer needed or serving realigning the body to its natural state. The experience is very unique to the individual.


Looking in detail at different belief patters and full sharing of your story goes into this time. It is a time of co creation and gives opportunity to release what is no longer to serving you in order to help you fully embody your dream and truths. A menu of different modalities and tools specifically catered to you are used to help bring you into a place of clarity, balance and peace. This process is usually done with two or more practitioners in varied locations around the world.

Ashley Kauders

Holistic Life Coach

Ashley’s coaching and connection rises from her ability to clearly see the highest aspects of your being, and to serve as reminder of those qualities while bringing clarity to your deepest desires. She works intimately with you to identify and realize your dreams, transitioning out of areas that are not serving that vision while strengthening and creating your path towards greater wholeness. The result is an alliance between body, mind, and soul which unites them in a common purpose.

Having studied a variety of teachings with a focus on the dynamics of relationship and sexuality, Ashley is also trained in various coaching methodologies, meditations, massage modalities, psychosomatic bodywork, Ayurvedic principles, Reiki and as a Doula. For several years she’s worked with and has been mentored by two phenomenal teachers, studying philosophy, psychology, cultures, spiritual teachings and works throughout the world. Retreats and multi-day one-on-one intensives are available with Ashley, and in combination with other practitioners.

Ashley is married with two children, a teenage daughter and infant son. She is American, currently based out of São Paulo, Brazil. She and her husband spend a significant amount of time traveling for both work and pleasure throughout North America, South America, and the world.


I would love to hear from you! If you would like to contact me directly, please do. I can be reached via WhatsApp at +1 (310) 746-8821.

If it is easier for you to email me, simply use the link below. Either way, I look forward to connecting with you and answering any questions you may have.
